Brookside Garden Centre, Poynton
Major site remodelling works
Stockport, Manchester and Cheshire East Council are jointly promoting the development of the A6 to Manchester Airport Relief Road being undertaken by the South East Manchester Multi Modal Strategy (SEMMMS). The new road is approximately 10 kilometres long, predominantly of dual 2-lane carriageway standard, and would include seven new junctions and four improved junctions. It also incorporates a further 4 kilometres of existing A555 dual carriageway to the south of Bramhall (the central section of the scheme.
A section of the proposed relief road has taken part of our client’s site including the existing vehicular entrance. Therefore alterations had to be made to the existing vehicular exit to accommodate both access and egress from the site.
The work involved:
• Alterations to the site entrance to enable access and egress for vehicular access in line with highways recommendations.
• Forming a new planted area to site entrance with drop down kerbstones either side of the crossover.
• Demolition of the existing restaurant, kiosk, shed and trees.
• Forming a new culvert to cross a brook which runs through the site to allow cars to pass and which replaced an old timber bridge.
• Forming of a new vehicular access road through the site to the existing car park which involved constructing planted retaining walls and timber clad vehicular impact barrier.
• Forming a pedestrian access to the north of the site to direct foot traffic away from the vehicular entrance.
• Rebuilding the existing river bank where it was failing with gabions and boulders.
• Installing a culvert under the new road for the model railway that works on the site.
At the outset of the project it was required that Planning consent from Stockport and Cheshire East Councils was achieved as the site straddled the border between both.
- Planning from Stockport and Cheshire East Council.
- Highways consent for alterations to the road system.
- Worked closely with the Environment Agency to protect the ecosystem of the brook.
- Ascertained which trees should be removed, retained or replaced from an Aboricultural report.