Party Wall Matters
A Party Wall is a structure which is common to two adjoining properties, or to rooms or floors within a building, and stands astride the boundary. When one party wishes to alter or build close to the party wall there are procedures to follow including the issuing of notices, the preparation of Schedules of Condition, the issuing of a Party Wall Award and the checking of the structure on completion of the works, etc
We are fully versed in these procedures and regularly act in such matters either for the ‘Building Owner’ (the person undertaking the work) or the ‘Adjoining Owner’ (the person in the adjoining property to that being worked on).
With such matters it is beneficial if the firm or individual surveyor is instructed as soon as possible and certainly before any works take place on site. Recent case law has shown that where a person carries out work without following the procedures of the Party Wall Act, that person is assumed to be responsible for any damage that occurs to the neighbouring property unless they can prove that they were not responsible (the common law position is therefore reversed)
We regularly produce Awards including the accompanying Schedules of Condition. Understanding and following the correct procedures helps to minimise disputes and ensures a satisfactory outcome for both parties.