Schedule Of Condition
Unless a property is newly constructed, a prospective tenant should always take the opportunity to ask the landlord to agree to a Schedule of Condition being attached to the lease.
A Schedule of Condition is a document that records the condition of the building at the outset of the lease. It is usually in writing with accompanying photographs where both parties need to agree the contents of the Schedule prior to it being attached to the lease agreement.
The lease will make reference to the fact that the tenant is to leave the building in no worse a condition than is evidenced by the Schedule. This has the very important affect of limiting a tenant’s liability for repairs for which they are responsible under the terms of the lease to only those defects that arise after the start of the lease.
It is important that Schedules are very thoroughly prepared, as the tenant will be relying heavily on it when faced with a terminal dilapidations claim at the end of the term.
Stephen D Buxton & Associates regularly prepare detailed Schedules of Condition and are aware of the best format for particular buildings in order to obtain maximum benefit for the tenant at the end of the lease

Old Buildings
Our surveys take us around the United Kingdom and can throw up a wide variety of building types and age.

Commercial Buildings
We endeavour to make sure that every part of your building is looked at thoroughly, economically and safely.

Industrial Buildings
Our Chartered Surveyors have a wealth of knowledge and experience on producing Schedules of Condition.